Knutsford Carpet Cleaners

Based at Chelford Rd, Knutsford WA16 8LY Knutsford Carpet Cleaners is a local Cheshire family run business. We use the latest carpet cleaning equipment on the market. We'll transform carpets into the fresh smelling super clean carpets that they were when you first had them fitted.

We are one of the premier provider of carpet cleaning in Knutsford we have a reputation to maintain. We are fully insured and guarantee the best carpet and upholstery cleaning service. Our mission is to get your carpets back to as close to new as possible. Kindness to your carpets but toughness on dirt and stains — that's our number one motto!

We will work to fit your busy schedule, from Monday to Saturday, 6:00am to 10:30pm you can rest assured we'll be there for you. Our work is guaranteed and you can expect a carpet cleaning service with a friendly smile every.

0800 907 009

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